Friday, February 24, 2012


So...boredom had set in.  I finished my Medusa army, and had nothing lined up (other than skaven rats, and there doesn't seem to be a end to them), so I dug through my boxes of bits and unpainted mini's and found a lot of orks.  I enjoyed painting this model, but am a little gun shy of starting a horde army, but we'll see how it goes, I have the test models of a nob and boy sitting on my desk waiting to be painted.

Here's the Ork Warboss:

This project may get derailed before it even leaves the station as the new leaked pics of the Thunder Wolf Cav may get me to dust off my space wolves and finish them up, but we'll see.  Off to the local GW tomorrow for the fun and festivities of 25 years of 40K.

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